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Sarah D
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Today I am focusing on what adversity has given me versus what it has taken away.  And even having things taken away has been a blessing.  I've gone from a perfectionist, Type A that always felt responsible for everything and everyone around her, to more of a Type BE.  And I'm still growing.

A Late-stage Neurological Lyme Disease diagnosis at 35 wasn't the end; it was the beginning.  The beginning of knowing what exactly had been going on during years of inexplicable illnesses, beginning at birth.  It brought me to my knees and destroyed an already unstable and crumbling foundation.  And that was a good thing.

Now I have the opportunity to deconstruct, rebuild and reinvent myself using new tools and stronger materials.  It's been quite a process, but I am grateful for everything I have learned through the pain, anguish and fear.  Now is the time to be present and LIVE despite the challenges.  And for that wisdom, I am grateful.

FearlessLY ME,

Sarah Davenport



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