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Viewing posts tagged with 'braintumor'
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Friday, October 21, 2016

My name is Shaista and I am a mother of Mariam Sehar who was diagnosed with Brain Tumor on 07-21-2015.  The time Mariam (my daughter) was diagnostic I had C Section Surgery prior to this diagnostic. When I heard about Mariam it was not easy, but somehow God gave me strength.   

CHOP (Children Hospital of Philadelphia) had surgery on 07-27-2015 of my daughter Mariam Sehar and successfully they removed the Brain Tumor but not 100% but what maximum they could do they did. 

I have two other kids one is 2 and half year old girl and second is 14 month old boy only. When I came to know that my daughter Mariam Sehar has diagnosed with Brain Tumor I lost my mind at the moment and there was no earth under my feet because this disaster of sickness of my daughter realized me that my daughter life is in danger. 

It was very hard and impossible for me to get stand and be ready to face and fight with this unfortunate situation. God did help me and prayer of families and friends when they all came to know. Mariam is 2nd grandchild of my mother and it was not easy for them to.

It changes my whole life circle and daily activities, as I have to take care of my daughter and be in hospital with her and with my other two kids. I was in situation that all my 3 kids need me more than others. 

I and my husband lost our jobs because due to our daughter medical condition we were not able to continue our job, actually in this fight I accompanied with my husband because in hospital time one of us has to be with our daughter and second take care to other two kids. Even there was time when we both have to be in hospital with our 3 kids because they all need each other.

During the treatment we both out of house almost 14 months and nobody continue job. It was very hard time we faced no income and life expense were continue.

Without job how to struggle and manage life with all responsibilities is like War fighting. 

I was fully impacted in my life with this disaster 

But by the Grace of GOD we over come to this unfortunate situation and my daughter Mariam Sehar recovered from Brain Tumor, but our hard ship is still not over yet.  To bring back smile to our family and take care of kids basic needs I am looking for financial Assistant.

tags: braintumor  csection  diagnostic  hospital  disaster    
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