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William M
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William's Treatment
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My son William Moreno was diagnose two years ago with AML with myelodysplastic, he has been many times in the hospital extremely sick, chemoteraphies, days in ICU, disappoinyment, pain, also each time God give to him another chance, hope and love. Now we found a treatment out off Philadelphia, thanks God, because only my Lord prepared this new road, unfortunately in Philadelphia we couldn't get a treatment for his condition. So we need your help because we are working with Cincinnati Hospital for Children and Dana Faber cancer center in Boston, trying to get his bone marrow transplant, now are preparing all, because  William and I have to leave for 5 or 6 months, and we need to cover some expenses because my younger children will stay at home, we have to find who will help take care of them, pay some bills, food, we are looking save William's life but I have to care of my little ones too. My dear friends we need your help to win this fight, it is a fight for life for hope, thanks and God bless you all.


William and his family


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