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5/10/2012 - $40.00 - anonymous donor
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Date of birthMay 9, 2007
Contact personBrent E. Hogenson
Medical information
Type of Disease/ ConditionChoroid Plexus brain tumor
DiagnosisChoroid Plexus papilloma brain tumor with atypical features
Treatment to DateResection of tumor
Current StatusNow on six month brain/spinal column scan schedule
Personal Information & Needs

On April 19th 2012, Jack went to the doctor because he complained about a bad headache. During what his parents assumed would be a routine exam of their 4-year-old boy, doctors discovered a large tumor in Jack’s brain. Initially, we (his family) were told that the tumor was inoperable and that it would slowly and painfully take Jack from us. After an agonizing and prayerful 30 hours, a subsequent image of his brain revealed a miracle – it was operable. Thanks to Dr.'s Ellenbogen and Lee and the entire team up at Children's in Seattle, they removed the tumor in a massive all-day surgical procedure. The first few weeks after surgery, Jack was unable to move the entire right side of his body, or speak or recognize anyone. Through therapy, Jack is regaining his normal life. He has weakness on his right side, and his right hand is shaky when he tries to do fine motor movements, but our boy is with us and back in school and enjoying as much of a normal life as possible. 

We are on a full contrast brain and spinal column MRI schedule every six months.

Recently, Jack had kidney stones removed which were a direct result of the medication during surgery and a lack of fluids. That surgery was a removal surgery and he is now kidney-stone-free!

We are dealing with massive medical bills still and give thanks everyday that our son is with us.

Jack has a website at and a facebook site at


Brent and Laura