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Dickson C
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Off to pick up our very special guests, the Santos Family
Thursday, March 27, 2014

It is 6 am and the beginning of a very exciting day. yesterday was spent tying up lose ends and preparing for our special guests as well as mentally preparing for 10ish days in the hospital. BUT today is a different sort of day. Today we get t osee our dear friends, Dave, Jan, and Caitlyn.

I am headed to the airport in a couple of hours. They have had little or no sleep so they will be tired and hungry when i pick them up. So my plan is to swoop them up, go straight to the closest In and Out, then head home for a bit of a rest before heading back to San Diego for Daves meeting at 4 with the tranplant surgeon. 

Our hope is that we too can have our meeting with our surgeon during the same time period so that we can be hospital/ doctor free on Friday.

Our primary prayer between now and transplant will be for robust health for Dave and Dickson (actualy for all of us invovled) , for rest on all levels, and a deep sense of peace as we move forward.

Okay everyone, have a great day!

With my head still spinning with the speed of all of this,


PS, on a completely unrelated note, we had a fun smile producing package delivered yesterday. It was a white box and across it in big red letters was printed Wicked Whoopies. Well I had not ordered anything that would way 6 pounds and be labeled in such a way. To our delight, it was a box filled with 12 classic whoopie pies, each 5 inches in diameter, freshly baked and sent from a company in Maine. from our dear friends the Robinson family. specifically Darcie who thought they would bring a smile and they sure did. What a fun idea.........oh and for you who don't recognize the Robinson name, you may recognize the name Dorothy Sholts, her married name is Robinson. Dorothy and i grew up together, were in each others weddings and our families have shared some fantastic adventures together. We love them!!

There is no way to express the value of a deeply felt smile or genuine laughter during a times like we have been experiencng. Laughter is indeed the best medicine :-)

tags: transplant  dickson  santosfamily  dave    

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