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Ketren W
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1 step forward, 2 steps back...
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Hello friends and family, time for an update...

Last time I checked in was Friday, I had started running a fever that morning which prevented me from being released and more cultures were ordered. My ANC was still in the gutter, so I would not have been going home anyway, sigh.

Friday night my dad and Karli Rae came up to spend the weekend with me, what wonders that did for me and mommys spirits! We didn't really have much to do except watch movies, do some arts & crafts and hang out together...but it was glorious! I sure miss being home with my family. My counts didn't really head north at all over the weekend and my fever remained so I was put on several different medications including new antibiotics and an anti-fungal medicine. Sunday night came way too fast and it was time to say goodbye to daddy and Karli for a few days since they had to get ready for the school/work week.

Monday rolled around and there were no fevers, I was still on several medications as well as doing 2 respiratory inhalers twice a day, they have also added a cool wet mist to my room to help my cough. I haven't really eaten anything, and when I do I either throw it up or explode it out my rear...I think I've even managed to scare a couple of the nurses with my blow-outs!

I've had some wonderful visitors over the last several days and I truly appreciate you all taking the time to come see me! I was in isolation yesterday pending the results of a parvo test that came back negative today as well as all my other cultures that have come back negative too...it's truly a mystery as to what is wrong with me. My mommy says she feels like she's in a bad episode of the Twilight Zone living 8 months ago when she was seeking answers for my limp...we're hoping the doctors can find something that is causing me to feel so bad.

So today is Tuesday and this morning I was still fever free, I had spent lots of time resting yesterday and spent a great deal of time resting today. I was doing so well the doctors had even decided to take me off of one of my antibiotics and were planning on taking me off the antifungal tomorrow. Keep in mind, however, my counts over the last few days have been 10, 0, 10, 20 so we are still waiting on those numbers to rise. The ideal number would be for them to get to 100 and show a consistent northward trend, that has yet to happen.

Well, just when I think things were going better, I had a fever again tonight, crap. More cultures, more medications, and more hospital time. I've even been put on prilosec for my stomach since I have been vomitting and having diarrhea so much, I'm not sure where it's coming from since I haven't eaten a solid meal since I don't know when. So here we are, back to square 1. We will wait on these cultures to come back and see what the doctors say tomorrow about a new game plan.

Thank you to EVERYONE that has prayed, visited, cooked or done ANYTHING that has helped my family these last 2 weeks....you ALL are greatly appreciated more than you know.

Please continue the thoughts and prayers, they are both needed and appreciated. I will keep you all posted.

Much love,



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Praying for you and your family seet Ketren, May God Bless you and keep you !
- Jan Shope - Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Well, there you go! She gets well in a blink and it leaves you no time to cetrleabe She must have been celebrating with the cold water I agree with anti-antibiotics. Let their immunity develop instead of depending on drugs.And yes, good luck on your meet with gastroenterologist!
- Fahriye - Wednesday, July 3, 2013
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