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Ketren W
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Well, it's now been a week....sigh
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hello friends and family, not much to report...I was taken off isolation this morning, my stool test for a virus was negative...thank goodness. I still have my cough and runny nose and I am still receiving respiratory therapy twice a day as well as antibiotics. My counts yesterday had jumped to 60, but just found out they are back down to 20 :( I will start a hormone medication tonight in hopes to stimulate my white blood cells to help raise those counts, I have my fingers crossed (so does mommy).

I do want to take a minute and thank everyone that has been so kind to take meals to our at home family while me and mommy are here, it's been one less thing for my mommy to stress about. I also want to thank everyone that has made the trip up to visit me, your time means so much and just brightens my day more than you can imagine. I really enjoyed having my Mourie here last night, she's so silly and makes me smile :) My sissy Lexi is up here again tonight and made it in time for us to go to a great arts & crafts holiday party at "The Zone" downstairs where we made marshmallow snowmen and spin art, I must admit it was fun and a nice break away from the hospital room!

So now more waiting.....I will update again soon with any changes, but until then....we always appreciate your thoughts and prayers!





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