Where I Live:
Puyallup, WA
Profile Last Updated:
My Projected Need:
Donations Received:
(including checks)
Recent PayPal donations
Financial impact

Your financial contributions are needed to help provide Tony with this lifesaving transplant. Please click on the link above to make a tax-deductible donation.


Most of us do not realize the financial impact a catastrophic illness has on a person until we face it ourselves. Did you know that approximately half of all bankruptcies in the United States are filed because of medical issues? Understanding the need may help all of us realize how much of an overall impact cancer, or any other catastrophic disease can have on someone. Please check back often to see our updates and progress towards Tony's needs.

*No income for 6 months, and no coverage for normal expenses (current home payment / car payment)*

Personal Insurance lifetime Benefit Cap $250,000.00
Bone Marrow Transplant initial costs $295,000.00  Increases subject to complications.

24 hour care after release (Min. 3 months) from hospital $6500.00 per month.

Length of time needed is unknown. (partial Insurance coverage from Benefit)
Housing in Seattle (Min. 3 months) Post transplant treatment and testing $1800.00 to $2000.00 per month (Not covered by Insurance)
During this time period Tony will have no income to cover, Basic living expenses and COBRA Insurance payments $267.00 a month. 

State Disability and Social Security both have grace periods before considering applicants.
Typical activation time is 6 months to a year.   

We as a family hope this helps begin to explain what your donations will be used for.