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William M
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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My son William Moreno was diagnose two years ago with AML with myelodysplastic, he has been many times in the hospital extremely sick, chemoteraphies, days in ICU, disappoinyment, pain, also each time God give to him another chance, hope and love. Now we found a treatment out off Philadelphia, thanks God, because only my Lord prepared this new road, unfortunately in Philadelphia we couldn't get a treatment for his condition. So we need your help because we are working with Cincinnati Hospital for Children and Dana Faber cancer center in Boston, trying to get his bone marrow transplant, now are preparing all, because  William and I have to leave for 5 or 6 months, and we need to cover some expenses because my younger children will stay at home, we have to find who will help take care of them, pay some bills, food, we are looking save William's life but I have to care of my little ones too. My dear friends we need your help to win this fight, it is a fight for life for hope, thanks and God bless you all.


William and his family

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Monday, October 17, 2016

My name is Paula Lopez, and my son is William Moreno, a sweet boy, 14 years old, we are from Colombia, we came to this country in 2008, two years later my husband died, so we continue fighting every day, I quit college and I dedicated myself to my children. My son William is cheerful, good student who liked to play sports like soccer, basketball, he was in the school swim team and in 2014 he was on a baseball team.

In the spring of 2014, my son was 12 years old and began to suffer from a several allergies and strange hives, in May of that year his doctor ordered some tests to find out if he was allergic to something, plus he looked increasingly pale and weak, but what was the surprise, the doctor of allergies found that the white cells were in 95000 and 14000 should be maximum.

Later in August he was diagnosed with chronic eosinophilic leukemia with myelodysplastic.

Our life changed radically, my son today my son is now a sad child, sometimes depressed, has suffered a lot during these two years,he could not go to school regularly,  I lost count of how many times he has been hospitalized, how many blood transfusions and platelets has had, how many biopsies would have done. In December of 2015 because he did not respond to chemotherapy, this year he was in the hospital almost 4 months, 3 time in ICU, now he has a new treatment, four kinds of chemotherapy pills. with the hope that this will help him lower  levels of leukemia cells and can go a transplant or other treatment that can save his live.

I had to stop working to devote to it. who needs help because his left leg now does not work, then we are going through a very difficult economic situation.

Thanks to everyone who can help us in this moment.




William and Family

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